Resonant Spaces: from the soundscapes of the trenches to the hearing of silence in Alfonso Reyes and John Cage
Silence, Hearing, Soundscape, War, Sound art, Phonetic poetry, AvantgardesAgencies:
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [Proyecto Ref. HAR 2014-58869-P]Abstract
The present paper addresses the issue of the implication of silence on hearing. The main objective is to show why silence is in its action, a resonating space, i.e. a place for the reception, creation, and interpretation of sense. In order to achieve such issue are discussed in the text: the relevance of silence for the arts, according to the two post-war periods, the perception of silence and awareness of hearing during the Great War, the listening exercises in Spanish Avantgarde, observations on John Cage’s 4'33'' piece of work, and other contemporary interpretations of that piece. The text will expose not only that the contribution of Cage has its nuances, but also the historical significance of the practices in the Spanish territory. This highlights the determination that silence implies for the arts and society because, from the Twentieth Century, silence has continued being central to the dialogic and coextensive relationship that exists between them.Downloads
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