Una familia de campesinos leoneses a finales del siglo XII
familia, viuda, labradores, herederos, concejo,Abstract
Conocemos esta familia a causa de dos contratos de compraventa realizados a finales del siglo xii por los herederos de Diego, quien a su muerte, deja viuda y siete hijos. Seis herederos, con la autorización de la madre viuda, aunque dispersados por varios lugares, hacen una venta conjunta de su heredad patrimonial al convento de San Marcos de León; el otro heredero, antes excluido, unos meses más tarde, realiza la venta de sus fincas al mismo comprador. El proceso de elaboración de sendos documentos y su análisis comparado dan ocasión a unas reflexiones sobre la vida familiar en aquella sociedad.
We know the existence of this family due to the presence of two sale and purchase contracts carried out at the end of the Xllth century by the heirs of Diego who, when he died, left a widow and seven sons. Six of them carried out a joint sale contract to the convent of Saint Marcus in León, with the autorization of their mother widow, although they lived spread among several places. The other heir, who was previously excluded, carried out the sale of his real states to the same purchaser, several months later. The preparation process ofboth documents and their comparative analysis, give a chance to make several reflections about the family Ufe of that society.