The Use of the Image of Children and Teenagers in the Roman Imperial Coinage. Some Cases
Image; Coin; Rome; Young; Heir; PropagandaAbstract
Before the beginning of the Empire, in Rome there did not seem to be much interest or reason in portraying children or teenagers in the coins. At that moment, coins, sculpture and epigraphy had been used more to remember the political and military glory of the Roman men than families, women or children. However, the change would occur with Octavius’ coming and the appearance of a new institution as the Imperial Family. Along with it arrived also the necessity of justifying the presence of the dynasty and promoting another new figure: the heir. It is important to clarify that this study is to deal with real youngers, either known or anonymous. Therefore, images of mythological characters, gods, allegories and so on are not going to be part of it.
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