Vol 19, No 2 (2016) EN


Vol 19, No 2 (2016)

Special Issue. Digital Games and Gamification applied in the ambit of Education


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.19.2

Coord.: R.S. Contreras Espinosa


Table of Contents



Games and other pedagogical principles. Its continued existence in distance and virtual education

Lorenzo García Aretio


Special Issue

Digital games and gamification applied to education

Ruth S. Contreras Espinosa


The use of a video game as an educational tool to learn the history of Peru

Ines Susana Evaristo Chiyong, María Vanessa Vega Velarde, Ricardo Navarro Fernandez, Teresa Nakano Osores


A digital tool that makes educational games: the Brazilian context for teaching and learning

Patricia Margarida Farias Coelho, Marcos Rogério Martins Costa


Action research as a game design methodology for a serious game

Ruth S. Contreras Espinosa, Jose Luis Eguia Gómez, Lluis Solano Albajes


Game design strategies that can be incorporated into distance education

João Mattar, Sérgio Nesteriuk


Games and gamification: an alternative for distance education models

Eliane Schlemmer


Gamification and User eXperience for make the learning experience better

Emiliano Labrador, Eva Villegas


Research and Case Studies

Creative Coding and Intercultural Projects in Higher Education: a Case Study in Three Universities

José-Manuel Sáez-López, Yoshiro Miyata, María-Concepción Domínguez-Garrido


The development and current situation of e-learning in Spanish Vocational Training

Cristian Jorge Garcia Marcos, Julio Cabero Almenara


Learning profiles and collaborative work in 3D-simulation environment

Byron Ernesto Vaca-Barahona, Jose Cela-Ranilla, Eliana Esther Gallardo-Echenique


Prediction factors of student satisfaction in online courses

Jimmy Zambrano R.


Perceptions and appraisals of k-12 students about their learning experiences in a Spanish language and culture b-learning program

Sara García Martínez


Pedagogical architecture in the process of entrepreneur: do and understand in the context of distance education

Ana Beatriz Michels, Rosane Aragón


Dimensions assessment in online courses: reflections and importance

Adriana Aparecida de Lima Terçariol, Elisangela Aparecida Bulla Ikeshoji, Jeong Cir Deborah Zaduski, Ana Lucia Farão Carneiro Siqueira, Fernanda Sutkus de Oliveira Mello