Code of Ethics


A. Ethical standards

The Revista de Psicoterapia is committed to the scientific community to guarantee the ethical and quality standards of the published articles. Its references are the "Fundamental Practices" defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), he Deontological Code of Psychology of the General Council of Psychology of Spain, the American Psychological Code of Conduct Association (APA), the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).

  • Responsible authorship. The Revista de Psicoterapia promotes transparency through the declaration of authors' contributions. All signatories must have made substantial contributions in each of the following aspects:
    1. Study conception and design, or data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation.
    2. Writing the article or critical review of the intellectual content.
    3. Final approval of the version presented.

The list and order of authors should be carefully reviewed before initial submission of the article. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement must be made before the article is accepted, with the approval of the Editorial Committee of the Revista de Psicoterapia and the explicit consent of all mentioned authors. A form for this is available upon request.

  • San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). As part of its commitment to open knowledge, the Revista de Psicoterapia follows this initiative, eliminating restrictions on the number of references that can be included in the bibliography, without counting them as part of the maximum number of words, and promoting responsible authorship practices.

1. Rules for editors

  • The editors of the journal undertake to be impartial in the management of the works, guiding their decisions only by criteria of scientific quality and relying on the opinion of experts, who are also impartial.
  • The editors reject any discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, or ethnic or geographic origin. The magazine is committed to gender policies that lead to true equality between men and women in society through various actions: (1) seeking equal proportions of women and men in the editorial team, as well as in those who review articles; (2) recommend the use of inclusive language in scientific articles; (3) recommend that articles report whether the data from the original study considered sex or gender to identify possible differences; and (4) include the full names of the authors of the published articles. To that end, authors must include their full names (not just initials) in the metadata, which will appear in published articles.
  • Editors will not manage works in which they have any commercial interest.
  • Editors will pay special attention to detecting plagiarism, redundant or duplicate publication. The publishing organization is not responsible in any case for the credibility or authenticity of the articles. The editors of the journal will endeavor to avoid scientific fraud, including the fabrication, falsification or omission of data; plagiarism; duplicate publications; and authorship conflicts. Particular attention is paid to plagiarism to avoid passing off the work of others as one's own, appropriating the ideas of others without acknowledgment, providing incorrect information about the source of a reference, and paraphrasing a source without mentioning it. If it is detected, the editors will give the authors the opportunity to give the explanations they deem appropriate. If these explanations are not considered satisfactory in accordance with the ethical standards of the journal, this will lead to the rejection of the submitted or published article.
  • The editors' treatment of reviewers and authors will be cordial, trying to ensure that their comments are reasoned, clear and as immediate as possible.
  • The Editorial Committee is not responsible for the ideas or opinions expressed by the authors in the journal articles or by the reviewers in their reports. The opinions and facts expressed in the articles are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the scientific opinions or policies of the journal.
  • The Editorial Committee of the journal is committed to ensuring that all people involved (authors, reviewers, editors and management of the journal) comply with the expected ethical standards in all phases of the publication process, from reception to publication of a article, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), to resolve possible conflicts.

2. Standards for scientific reviewers

  • Editorial Standards. Reviewers must evaluate the works objectively, following scientific criteria and respecting the editorial standards and instructions of the journal. All reviewers must adhere to the ethical standards specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) .
  • Professional responsibility and confidentiality. Reviewers undertake to accept only papers for which they consider they have sufficient knowledge and background to carry out a quality scientific review. Furthermore, the reviewers' comments towards the authors must be constructive, always aimed at improving the evaluated work. Reviewers agree to maintain the confidentiality of any information related to the reviewed work (content or management).
  • Conflict of interests. The reviewers undertake to refrain from reviewing works in which they may have any type of conflict of interest, expressing this circumstance to those responsible for the journal. In the event that the reviewers, despite the fact that the review is double-blind, identify the authorship of the work and this may affect the impartiality of their evaluation, they must refuse to review the work, thus justifying their decision to the editor. .
  • Suspected violation of ethical standards. Reviewers will inform the journal's Editorial Committee if they detect poor practices, fraud, plagiarism or self-plagiarism , as well as any other irregularity related to the ethics of research or publication. They must also report cases of obvious fabrication or falsification of data by the authors.
  • Deadline for reviews. Reviewers will commit to meeting the review deadlines established by the journal, informing the Editorial Board if they need additional time or are unable to submit a report after having accepted a review request.
  • Preparation of the report. The format of the review report is open, but reviewers should use a brief scoring rubric. Reviewers should be objective and constructive in their reviews, offering feedback that will help authors improve their articles. Reviewers should make fair, unbiased, and constructive assessments of the article's strengths and weaknesses, and avoid derogatory personal comments or unfounded accusations. They should not suggest that authors add references to the reviewer's (or colleagues') work just to increase the number of citations or raise the visibility of their or associated work; Suggestions should be based solely on valid academic reasons

3. Rules for authors

  • About the nature of the work. The submitted works must be unpublished and not be in the process of review or have been sent to other publications simultaneously. Authors must confirm this fact during the process of submitting the manuscript through the platform (in the box that appears on the screen for submitting the manuscript). Authors must point out and cite content reproduced from other sources. They must obtain the necessary permissions to reproduce any content from other sources.
    The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that authorship includes the appropriate co-authors, all of whom have approved the submitted version of the manuscript and agree to its submission to the journal. The file sent may not contain any personal data of the authors.
  • Compliance with ethical standards for research and publication. The authors undertake to respect the ethical standards of research and publication that are included in the corresponding section of the journal on this issue.
  • Adherence to editorial standards. Authors agree to read and accept the journal's editorial standards and instructions before submitting their manuscript. While the work is under review in the journal, it should not be sent to any other journal or be currently under review in another journal.
  • Research with human and/or animal subjects. In the event that the research uses humans or animals as samples, the authors must ensure that the study complies with national, local or institutional regulations on research ethics and must confirm that approval has been requested and obtained in this regard, where appropriate. necessary. In the “Method” section of the manuscript (subsection “Procedure”), the permissions or consents obtained to obtain the data must be explicitly indicated, especially in the event that the sample consists of minors. The procedure followed must be, in any case, in accordance with the regulations in force in the country in which the study is carried out on data protection.
  • Sources of financing and conflicts of interest. In the manuscript sent through the platform, the corresponding author must describe any financial or personal relationships that the authors may have with other people or organizations and that could give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the article being submitted. sends for publication. Thus, you should include information about the organizations that provided financial funding for the study or preparation of the article, and briefly describe the role that any funding agency played in the study design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, the writing of the article or the decision to submit it for publication. If there was no involvement by the funding body, this should be indicated
  • Research databases. The authors must preserve the database used to prepare the submitted manuscript, and provide access to this data to the interested researcher, when the request is reasonable.
  • Error detection. If authors identify any major errors in their publication, they must notify the editor as soon as possible. If necessary, they must cooperate with the editor to correct the work, publish an errata or, if appropriate, withdraw the article.
  • License for public communication. The authors assign to the journal the rights of public communication of their article for free dissemination through the Internet, portals and electronic devices, through its free provision to users for online consultation, printing, downloading and archiving, guaranteeing free access and open to publication.
  • Publication License. The authors accept the journal's copyright policy and assign the right of publication to it.
  • Use of inclusive and non-sexist language. At the Psychotherapy Magazine we are firmly committed to equality and respect for all, recognizing and valuing diversity. For this reason, authors must ensure that they use language free of prejudice, avoid stereotypes and use inclusive and non-sexist language, although prioritizing grammatical correctness, economy of language and precision, given space limitations. Pay special attention to the presentation of data, so that the characteristics of the participants are adequately described and analyzed, without presenting irrelevant information to test hypotheses, achieve objectives or present study results. Avoid condescending, outdated or inappropriate language, as well as the use of labels related to stereotypes. We recommend reporting the presence of possible gender differences in the results.
  • Open science. To facilitate the reproducibility of the research and the reuse of data, code, software types, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and any other useful material related to the project should be shared. We recommend that authors publish the original study data in public open access online repositories, such as FigShare , Mendeley Data , Zenodo , DataHub either DANS . When data or supplementary material is shared, a corresponding reference should be included in the manuscript and in the reference list, using unique and persistent identifiers. In addition, pre-registration of empirical studies (whether observational or experimental) on platforms such as OSF or AsPredicted is also recommended .


B. Treatment of unethical behavior

1. Investigation of unethical behavior

Unethical behavior can be identified and reported to the editor by anyone, at any time. Whoever reports this behavior must provide sufficient information and evidence to initiate an investigation. All allegations offered by the authors must be taken into account and treated seriously, until a definitive conclusion is reached.

2. Consequences of unethical behavior

Unethical behavior can be mild (e.g., a misunderstanding) or severe (with clear intent to deceive) and, depending on its severity, can lead to different consequences for the work and its authors. Following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) , in order of severity are the following (they can be applied separately or together):

  1. An informative (and educational) letter to the authors, in the event that it is considered that there was no malicious intent.
  2. A letter of reprimand and warning regarding future conduct.
    A formal letter to the head of the institution to which the authors belong or the organization that finances the study.
  3. Publish a statement of redundant publication or plagiarism in the journal.
  4. An editorial offering details of the misconduct.
  5. Refuse to manage future submissions from the authors, group or institution responsible for the misconduct, for a certain period of time.
  6. Formal withdrawal or retraction of the article from the scientific literature, informing other editors and index managers.
  7. Report the case to the authorities who can investigate the facts and act accordingly.

The Revista de Psicoterapia will at all times ensure that authors and other potential parties involved are given the opportunity to respond to any allegations of misconduct.



  • Receipt confirmation. Receipt of the article will be communicated immediately after submission through the platform to the authors, at the email addresses provided.
  • Selection of originals. Original papers will be reviewed by the Editor-in- Chief , Executive Editor, Managing Editor and Associate Editors. The editorial team can directly reject studies if, in its opinion, they do not follow the journal's publication rules, do not meet the minimum requirements or do not conform to the journal's objectives or priorities.
  • Revision . Once the Editorial Board selection phase has been passed, the articles will be reviewed by external reviewers and by the Associate Editor responsible for managing the article. The Associate Editor and Managing Editor will consider the reports of the external reviewers and make the final decision on publication.
  • Reasoned response. Except in cases of articles considered "non-priority" in the initial selection phase, authors will be given a reasoned response regarding the final decision of the Editorial Board when this involves rejection (that is, articles rejected after the review phase by pairs).
  • Confidentiality. The authorship of the articles received will remain anonymous and the evaluation process will be confidential. The Revista de Psicoterapia undertakes to not disseminate the article more than is necessary for the evaluation process and until the article is accepted for publication.
  • Data usage. The members of the Editorial Board will not use the results of unpublished works without the express consent of the authors.
  • Privacy statement. The names and email addresses provided to the Revista de Psicoterapia They will only be used for the purposes established in the magazine, and will never be provided to third parties nor will they be used for commercial purposes.
  • Complaints and claims. Efforts will be made to respond to and resolve complaints and grievances quickly and constructively. Complaints or claims must be sent by email to , clearly and correctly specifying the nature of the complaint, the contact information of the person making it and sufficient data to demonstrate any possible violation of the ethics statement of Magazine. Complaints about published content should be made as soon as possible after publication and after first contacting the corresponding authors to try to find a direct solution. The Revista de Psicoterapia may be contacted when it is not appropriate to contact the authors, if the authors do not respond, or if they do not resolve the issue. If possible, documentation should be included as evidence of the situation. The Revista de Psicoterapia will confirm receipt of the complaint via email and may request additional information or documentation for clarification. Depending on the nature or complexity of the problem, if the content is reviewed and sufficiently documented, the Editorial Board will study the case and make any decision in accordance with the Committee 's guidelines. on Publication Ethics (COPE) . The Editor-in- Chief will make the final decision and a response will be sent via email. Other persons and institutions will be consulted as necessary, including university authorities or subject matter experts, and legal advice may be sought if the complaint has legal implications. Complainants will need to expressly request that a complaint be treated confidentially and the Editorial Board will do so to the extent appropriate and in accordance with our management processes. Complainants may not be informed about the status of any investigation until a final decision is reached, and it is important to note that investigations may take some time. Complaints that are outside the scope of the Revista de Psicoterapia or that are presented in an offensive, threatening or defamatory manner will be rejected. Personal criticism or comments are not acceptable. Communication will end if it is not cordial and respectful, or if there are persistent vague or unfounded complaints. The Revista de Psicoterapia reserves the right to take appropriate legal action if a complainant insists on an unfounded, false or malicious complaint



  • The Revista de Psicoterapia undertakes to correct important scientific errors or ethical problems in published articles. In order to be transparent about any changes, the following criteria and procedures have been established to update our published articles.
  • Minor errors. Minor errors that do not affect readability or meaning, such as spelling, grammar, or formatting errors, are not sufficient or justify an update, regardless of the source of the error.
  • Errors in the metadata. Requests to correct errors in an article's metadata (e.g., title, author name, abstract) should be made during the proofreading process. Once an article has been published, corrections can only be made if the Editorial Board considers the request to be reasonable and important. Once approved, the article will be updated and republished on the Revista de Psicoterapia website , with notification to the relevant databases.
  • Author name and affiliation. Authors should make any desired changes to first names, last names, and affiliations during the proofreading process. Once the article has been published, no changes will be made without valid and compelling reasons, especially if the ORCID code has been supplied correctly. Name changes after publication will only be made in exceptional cases where authors adopt a new name (such as upon marriage or after a gender transition) and wish to update it. In such cases, the recommendations of the Committee will be followed. on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • Corrections. Requests may be submitted to correct errors that affect scientific interpretation. Once the request is approved, the article will be updated and republished on the Revista de Psicoterapia website , along with a correction notice. This notice will be a separate publication with a link to the updated article in the most recent issue of the journal, to notify readers that there has been a significant change to the article and that the revised version is available on the website. The relevant databases will then be notified of the update.
  • Retractions. If an article needs to be removed from the research literature due to inadvertent errors during the review process, serious ethical violations, data fabrication, plagiarism, or other reasons that jeopardize the integrity of the publication, the Revista de Psicoterapia will follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for retractions. In this case, the original publication will be modified with a " WITHDRAWN " mark but will remain available on the Revista de Psicoterapia website for future references. Retractions will be published with the same authorship and affiliation as the retracted article, so that the notification and the original retracted article can be properly found in the indexing databases. The retraction notification will be published in the most current edition of the journal. Partial retractions may be published in cases where the results are partially incorrect. A single article will be completely removed from the Revista de Psicoterapia website and indexing databases in very exceptional circumstances, where leaving it online would constitute an illegal act or could cause significant harm.
  • Expression of concern. The Revista de Psicoterapia may publicize such concern if the investigation into alleged research misconduct is inconclusive, complex, or lengthy. In this case, an editor of the Revista de Psicoterapia You can choose this option, detailing your concerns point by point and any ongoing actions.
  • Comments and responses. The Revista de Psicoterapia will only exceptionally publish comments or responses to articles published in the journal, when the comments (that is, short letters to the editors from readers who wish to publicly question a specific article) affect the editorial content of an article published in the journal, contain evidence of a claim and the result of an investigation by the editorial team does not lead to the rejection of the criticism, or to the correction or retraction of the article. In these exceptional cases, once the comment has been approved for peer review , the editorial team will contact the authors of the article in question and invite responses to the comment. The response will allow the authors to respond publicly to the concerns raised. If the authors do not provide a response within the established deadline or decide not to respond, the comment will be published along with a note explaining the lack of response. Both comments and responses will be reviewed to ensure that the comment addresses significant aspects of the original article without essentially becoming a new article, that the response directly addresses the concerns without evasion, and that the tone of both is appropriate for a scientific journal. Only one round of comments and responses will be provided on any individual article. However, the Revista de Psicoterapia recommends that readers address comments directly to the authors involved and use other forums for additional public discussion.



  • Conditions for self-archiving preprints . Preprint versions of articles (the version initially submitted to the journal) can be shared anytime, anywhere. Sharing an article (without review) on a preprint server , for example, is not considered prepublishing. Due to this, before final publication, we recommend that authors self-archive the preprint version on personal or institutional websites, scientific social networks, repositories, reference managers... Once published, if the preprint is still available in a repository, it must be specified that "This is an electronic version of an article published in the Revista de Psicoterapia (year). The final version is available on the official website", also highlighting the complete reference of the published article, including its DOI.
  • Preservation policy of the Revista de Psicoterapia . Publications of the Revista de Psicoterapia They are available on the journal's website and in international open access online repositories such as SciELO and Dialnet . the Revista de Psicoterapia focuses on disseminating content and making it accessible through indexing services. Online access is free. Furthermore, the Revista de Psicoterapia allows self-archiving of preprints , postprints and the editorial version (immediately after publication).
  • postprint articles . Authors are encouraged to share the final version of their accepted articles (the authors' version that includes changes suggested by reviewers and editors) on social networks and repositories until the editorial version is published in an issue of the journal. It should be expressly stated that this is an "in press" article in the Revista de Psicoterapia . Once the editorial version is published, if the postprint is still available in a repository, it must be specified that "This is an electronic version of an article published in the Revista de Psicoterapia (year). The final version is available on the website official", also highlighting the complete reference of the published article, including its DOI.