Sexual Satisfaction: a study of its Correlation with Self-Concept, Social Anxiety and Sexual Communication in university students in heterosexual couples




Sexual satisfaction, self-concept, social anxiety, sexual communication, relationship


Many authors agree that sexual satisfaction is composed of individual factors, such as age; psychological factors, such as anxiety and self-concept; and others in relation to relationships, such as sexual communication. The main objective of this study was to verify the joint influence of these variables on sexual satisfaction through a multivariate explanatory model. A non-probabilistic snowball sampling was carried out on 120 university participants who had a heterosexual relationship and a questionnaire was administered, which included all the instruments and also added some sociodemographic items of interest.

The results showed a statistically significant positive relationship between sexual communication, self-concept and sexual satisfaction. It was also found that women were more likely to feel sexually unsatisfied with the relationship. However, the other variables were not found to be relevant. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the importance of both good sexual communication in the couple and the level of physical self-concept when understanding sexual satisfaction both individually and with the other person.


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Author Biographies

Pedro J. Pérez Moreno, Universidad de Huelva

Doctor en Psicología. Profesor Contratado Doctor de la Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Ciencias del Deporte (Universidad de HUelva). En la actualidad es Vicedecano de Estudiantes

Susana Rodríguez-Vargas, Centro de Psicología Integral Susana RodVar




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How to Cite

Robles-Fernández, A., Pérez Moreno, P. J., Martos Sánchez, M. C., & Rodríguez-Vargas, S. (2024). Sexual Satisfaction: a study of its Correlation with Self-Concept, Social Anxiety and Sexual Communication in university students in heterosexual couples. Revista de Psicoterapia, 35(128), 80–88.