Virtual supervision of academic practices: The experiences of supervisors regarding the change in modality due to COVID-19




online supervision, practicum classes, thematic analysis, psychology students, covid 19


Psychology students currently have the need for professional training that guarantees them greater efficiency and competence to influence the solution of socioemotional health problems. Professional practicum classes mediated by technology -distance learning- have undoubtedly been an important scenario for the teaching-learning of clinical competencies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this research was to explore the experience of supervision in a distance learning modality, from the perspective of supervisors of professional practicum classes of undergraduate psychology students. Three focus groups were conducted with supervisors from different semesters. In order to carry out a thematic analysis, the verbatim transcriptions of the focus groups were read comprehensively and in various iterations, which generated a codebook. These codes were subsequently grouped in a series of themes according to relevance and significance. Finally, the data were reported, concentrating the patterns of information found in six themes: reorganization of supervision and practice, learning and evaluations of emergent distance supervision, evolution of the supervision process, emotional impact of distance supervision and practicum, attention to the needs and challenges of supervised students, and development of psychological intervention skills.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Fierros, E. A., Sáenz, ana, Tena-Suck, A., & Montes de Oca, S. I. (2023). Virtual supervision of academic practices: The experiences of supervisors regarding the change in modality due to COVID-19. Revista de Psicoterapia, 34(126), 55–71.