Self appropriation

A hermeneutic experience




Self-appropriation, psychotherapeutic process, Micro-phenomenology, hermeneutic phenomenology


The understanding of the subjective foundations of a patient’s suffering and illness throughout the therapeutic process, is a relevant and transversal variable for psychotherapeutic models based on a Constructivist paradigm. From the Hermeneutic Phenomenological Post-Rationalist psychotherapeutic method, this phenomenon is called Self Appropriation. Because this phenomenon  occurs in the private sphere of experience, the methodology used for studying it must allow its access from a  first person perspectitve, this is, from the person who experiences it. This qualitative study was carried out, with a descriptive scope, using the Micro-phenomenological Interview methodology. Using this methodology, the results of ten interviews with patients who had undergone a constructivist psychotherapy were collected and analyzed. The results obtained allowed us to understand the appropriation of oneself as a transversal phenomenon characterized as  a transformation in the way of understanding and accessing their suffering. This new form of intelligibility allows the patient to position  himself in a place of ownership  regarding his  circumstances, and guides renewing action and opens possibilities for  personal transformation.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Lizana, D. A., & Duarte Soto, A. J. (2022). Self appropriation: A hermeneutic experience. Revista de Psicoterapia, 33(123), 217–233.