Health through the network: a paradox in the knowledge society.


  • Eulàlia Hernández Grupo de Investigación PSiNET1. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Internet, IN3-UniversitatOberta de Catalunya.
  • Manuel Armayones Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras, Healthcare Information Management System Society Europe GmbH, Open University of Catalonia, Universidad de Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Noemí Guillamón Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
  • Rubén Nieto Grupo de Investigación PSiNET1. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Internet, IN3-UniversitatOberta de Catalunya.



World Wide Web, internet, health, empowerment, intervention


This article examines the paradox that in the knowledge society, where the frequency and diversity of use of the Web for health increases, does not appear that this use will result in a direct improvement of the health of citizens. The paradox appears after providing data of the use of the Web for health; after considering some personal characteristics modulating this use, and after describing some specific uses of the Web which take part of the current practice of psychological interventions. All of these ideas merge lead to the identification of the empowerment of people as a key point for the use of the Web for health. The final section discusses some of the initiatives, opportunities and roles that psychology can have a more effective use of the Network for Health.


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How to Cite

Hernández, E., Armayones, M., Guillamón, N., & Nieto, R. (2008). Health through the network: a paradox in the knowledge society. Revista de Psicoterapia, 19(73), 7–32.