Psychotherapy: methodological aspects, clinical questions and open problems from a posttrationalist perspective.


  • Vittorio Guidano Centro Terapia Posrazionalista. Roma.



posttrationalism, narrative, clinical psychology


The purpose of this communication is to consider those open or
controversial in current constructivism, but especially in relation to its
psychotherapeutic implications. Constructivism today is an area that, for example,
On the other hand, it has become more and more popular, but on the other hand, in
its interior is not sufficiently differentiated, nor is it sufficiently homogeneous, so there are controversial aspects in some issues
basic principles that widely influence the different therapeutic methods in the
within constructivism itself. I would like to refer in this communication to three
main themes with their repercussions in the therapeutic field. First
it refers to the theme of the self; the second to the meaning and the third to the path
understand narratives, given the importance and popularity that narratives
they are reaching in recent years.


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How to Cite

Guidano, V. (1999). Psychotherapy: methodological aspects, clinical questions and open problems from a posttrationalist perspective. Revista de Psicoterapia, 10(37), 95–105.