"Transformations in attachment relationships in adolescence: adaptation to the need for psychotherapy "





attachment, adolescence, psychotherapy, attachment relationships, neurological maturation, development, change process, relationship patterns, self-protection strategies, integration, dynamic-maturational model


Adolescence is a period of dramatic change in attachment relationships. Furthermore, adolescence culminates a developmental process in which interaction with parents has shaped children’s minds and behavior in ways that may or may not prepare them for life outside their families. On the other hand, the neurological maturation occurring in adolescence creates the first opportunity for individuals to consider and change, independently from their parents, the heritage they take from their childhood families. This article first places attachment in a developmental framework and then focuses on the process of change for those adolescents who require professional intervention to make the transition from a distorted childhood to an adaptive adulthood.


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How to Cite

Crittenden, P. M., & Villegas Torras, A. (2001). "Transformations in attachment relationships in adolescence: adaptation to the need for psychotherapy ". Revista de Psicoterapia, 12(48), 33–62. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v12i48.551

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