Inference, re-experiencing, and regression

psychotherapy of Child ego states




affect tolerance, age-regression therapy, inference, re-experiencing, regression, reliving, unconscious memory


Age regression is explored using the Transactional Analysis concept of Child ego states and the necessity of an attuned therapeutic relationship. The methods of psychotherapy include phenomenological and historical inquiry about body sensations and affect to form an inferential profile of the clients early life emotional experiences. Case descriptions are provided to differentiate between therapeutic re-experiencing and reliving which may be retraumatizing.


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How to Cite

Erskine, R. G., Mauriz-Etxabe, A., & Pérez Burgos, A. (2020). Inference, re-experiencing, and regression: psychotherapy of Child ego states. Revista de Psicoterapia, 31(116), 205–226.