Case formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: From markers work and process facilitation to the co-creation of a therapeutic focus




Emotion-Focused Therapy, Case Formulation, Task markers, Emotion Schemes, Process diagnosis, Therapeutic Focus


The case formulation (CF) model of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) shows the optimal performance of a therapist when applying this model's tenets. In this respect, it stresses the relevance of the clinician's perceptual competences, who must be able to detect and identify the markers and micro-markers that allow to respond moment-by-moment, to the client's in-session emotional experience. It also remarks the need to count on a conceptual  structure to support the co-construction of a therapeutic focus, in such a way that the client gains agency in relation to his or her difficulties, and can be used by the theraopist, as a guide to understand the emotional basis of those difficulties, and how to deal with them.  On the other hand, this paper highlights the humanistic and constructivistic character of this approach, by stressing the client's role as an expert on his or her own experience, and the therapist's role as an expert in processes facilitation, that puts his or her competence at the service of the client. The general model of CF in EFT is presented in terms of its stages and steps, and the more relevant epistemological and theoretical issues are sddressed: The fit of the notion of formulation in a humanistic-experiential therapy, and the abductive nature of the kind of reasoning by which the therapist makes inferences. 


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How to Cite

Goldman, R. N., Greenberg, L. S., & Caro, C. (2016). Case formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: From markers work and process facilitation to the co-creation of a therapeutic focus. Revista de Psicoterapia, 27(104), 23–45.