Burnout and Self-concept in Clinical Psychologists





burnout, self-concept, clinical psychology


A possible psychosocial risks of work is to develop burnout. Burnout can occur in anyone who is in a relationship of care with respect to another; for this reason, the why most of the research has focused on the human services professionals. This concern has also spread to the psychologists working in the clinical field, however, there are few empirical studies on this subject in Argentina. Thus purpose of this descriptive-correlational research was to describe the levels of burnout and its relation to different domains of self-concept in a sample of 81 professional clinical psychologists in the city of Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina. It was used the Maslach Burnout Inventory and Jackson and the Messer and Harter Self-Perception Profile for Adults. This study showed mean levels of emotional exhaustion, high levels of personal fulfillment at work and low levels of depersonalization. It showed that those individuals with high levels of burnout were evaluated more negatively and that burnout was a predictor of some domains of self-concept (job competence, intelligence, home management, morality, protection, provision, intimacy and humor). In the conclusions we discuss these findings and their implications, also suggestions for future studies are provided.


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Author Biography

María Emilia Oñate, CIIPME-CONICET, Universidad Católica Argentina. Paraná, Argentina

Becaria doctoral del CIIPME-CONICET y docente UCA


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How to Cite

Oñate, M. E., Resett, R., Soledad Menghi, M., & Iglesia, M. F. (2016). Burnout and Self-concept in Clinical Psychologists. Revista de Psicoterapia, 27(103), 215–229. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v27i103.53