Social cognition in eatinng disorders: clinical findings and implications for psychotherapy
Social Cognition, Eating Disorders, Empathy, Theory of mindAbstract
Eating Disorders are pathologies with important interpersonal problems. In the last decade, the line of investigation linked with the Social Cognition in «anorexia nervosa» has increased. In this article we review the main findings in the field of social cognition in Eating Disorders.After conceptualizing the object of study, we describe the results from the literature divided into the main components of social cognition. First, we focus on the theory of mind, exploring both emotional and cognitive issues. Then, we go in depth into the study of empathy and, particularly, in the similarities between anorexia and autism spectrum disorders in this dimensions. Finally, we describe the implications of the research findings for the practice of psychotherapy, specifically in the implication for the therapeutic relationship, for family therapy and for the goals and contents of the therapy.
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How to Cite
Grau Touriño, A., & Sánchez Povedano, M. (2014). Social cognition in eatinng disorders: clinical findings and implications for psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 25(98), 61–75. Retrieved from
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