What and where is interpersonal therapy?


  • Josep Solé Puig Departamento de Psiquiatría, Universidad de Barcelona. Subdirector de la Sección de Toxicomanías, Cruz Roja, Barcelona.




interpersonal therapy


An overview of the state of the art in interpersonal therapy (IPT) is given, probably the first in spanish. IPT is a short-term psychotherapy disigned to deal with the patients’ psychosocial and interpersonal context. IPT is not psychoanalysis, nor behavior therapy, nor cognitive therapy. It can use some of their concepts to achieve the goals chosen. Since IPT is suposed to be standardized, efficient, and economical, is likely to gain increasing importance in Europe. IPT is easy to be learned by experienced therapists, regardless of their orientation. The use of IPT as well as the theoretical and empirical background are described. In addition, the training program in IPT and a comparison with other psychotherapies are given. Finally, efficacy studies and derivative forms of IPT are described.


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How to Cite

Solé Puig, J. (1995). What and where is interpersonal therapy?. Revista de Psicoterapia, 6(22-23), 141–159. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v6i22-23.1088