The integration of emotion in psychotherapy


  • Leslie S. Greenberg York University
  • Lorne Korman York University



emotion, emotional process, emotional processing


In this paper we discuss the nature of emotion, in the light of modern evolutionary and cognitive theories. An empirical measure of clients’ emotion episodes is presented that implicates cognitive, affective, and motivational components in emotional processing. We argue that emotion plays an important role in therapy, providing information about clients’ reactions, needs, beliefs, and appraisals. Because sound emotional processing is integral to adaptive human functioning, schemes governing affective processing constitute key therapeutic targets. To this end, we argue that differential emotionally focused intervention is needen for different types of emotional problems


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How to Cite

S. Greenberg, L., & Korman, L. (1993). The integration of emotion in psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 4(16), 5–19.



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