El desarrollo del pensamiento complejo matemático en educación básica, una experiencia de formación docente en la ANIEM


  • José Macario López Balderas Asociación Nacional por la Inclusividad Educativa en México
  • Patricia Ganem Alarcón Asociación Nacional por la Inclusividad Educativa en México
  • María Eugenia Rivera Sánchez Asociación Nacional por la Inclusividad Educativa en México
  • Belén Medina Silva Asociación Nacional por la Inclusividad Educativa en México




Teacher updating, Educational policies, Inclusivity, Right to education, Complex mathematical thinking


In this paper we will present the social purpose, goals and means of dissemination of the National Association for Inclusive Education in Mexico (ANIEM). We
will determine its origin and basis in its constitution, we will expose an example of mathematical innovation in the processes of cognitive integration through the construction of new instructional and educational paradigms in teacher training. For this purpose, we will use the methodology based on action-research and mixed information processing, since quantitative and qualitative data of didactic interventions in active teachers will be evaluated. A set of evidences resulting from the application of didactic strategies, where there was a transition from a cognitive preconceptual structure to the initial integration of a complex mathematical thinking, will be analyzed. In this sense, ANIEM, being fully constituted and having among its main activities, research, innovation, dissemination, review of inclusion policies in the country and the exchange of successful national and international experiences of educational innovations; and being the teacher and the student the beneficiaries of these, has been able to consolidate itself as an integrating instance of teacher education, updating and training.


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