Stability of diagnosis in bipolar disorder. Systematic Review



Bipolar disorder, stability, review, mood disorders, diagnosis


Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a serious and recurring mental illness. Therefore, once the diagnosis is established, it must be stable over time. Diagnostic difficulties complicate the epidemiological study of this disorder, but a prevalence of 1-2% is generally accepted. Few investigations have evaluated the impact of diagnostic stability versus its change. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out through a bibliographic search in Pubmed, Medline
and Web of Science of articles published to date, using the following keywords: diagnosis of stability, bipolar disorders and mood disorders. Those studies that focused on the study of the diagnostic stability of BD both in adults and in children or adolescents were selected. In addition, a review of the gray literature was carried out. Results: The initial search showed a total of 323 articles, of which 8 met the inclusion criteria.
We have found that bipolar disorder has higher construct validity and long-term stability than other mental disorders. the studies coincide in the stability of around 90% or more in the diagnosis of BD in both the child and adult population. Conclusions: Bipolar Disorder in its initial phase constitutes a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Despite this, it is considered together with one of the most stable diagnostic categories. The absence of reliable and valid instruments for diagnosis is considered a limitation,
which determines the course and evolution of the disease. For future research it is important to achieve the highest possible construct validity of the BD.


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Author Biography

Paula García Vázquez, Dr

Departamento de Psiquiatría


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How to Cite

García Vázquez, P. (2022). Stability of diagnosis in bipolar disorder. Systematic Review. Acción Psicológica, 19(1), 71–84. Retrieved from



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