Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic during the Spanish National Lockdown: Protective and Risk/Vulnerability Factors
COVID-19, coronavirus, distress, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, sleep problems, positive and negative affect, intolerance of uncertainty, media exposureAbstract
The objective of this work was to study the psychological impact of the pandemic COVID-19 and the national lockdown that took place in Spain during March and April 2020. We examined the prevalence of emotional distress, as well as protective and risk/vulnerability factors. A sample of 1,561 participants (aged 19 to 84 years) completed online the Coronavirus Psychological Impact Questionnaire (CIPC), the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale–12, and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Results show that many participants experienced high levels of emotional distress reflected through a 10-symptom distress profile in which worry, stress, hopelessness, sadness/depression and sleep problems predominated. We found some protective (age, income level, home garden, working outside the home), risk (media exposure, living with chronically ill and/or dependent persons, health worker) and vulnerability (sex, negative affect, intolerance of uncertainty) factors that significantly predicted the levels of distress. Negative affect and intolerance of uncertainty demonstrated to be strong predictors of distress. In addition, empirical evidence is provided on the validation of the Distress Emotional Scale of the CIPC.
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