Emotional Intelligence and Life quality in Times of Mandatory and Preventive, Social Isolation during the Pandemic by COVID-19
Emotional Intelligence, Quality of Life, Mandatory Preventive Social Isolation, COVID-19Abstract
Our goal is to describe the levels of the variables Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Quality of Life (QoL) in subjects affected by the context of Social, Preventive and Mandatory Isolation decreed on March 20 in Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluate if there are significant relationships between them and analyze if they present differences based on sociodemographic variables such as: age and gender. We worked with a sample made up of 923 female and male people over 18 years of age from the general population. An ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire, the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) instrument, and the Multicultural Quality of Life Index (MQLI) were used for data collection. The sample was contacted online from March 29 to July 6, 2020. The results showed that the correlation between the variable IE and CV was significant. The dimensions of these variables presented weak relationship strength with each other except Emotional Attention that only significantly correlated with a strong link strength with the variables Spiritual Fullness and Social Support as well as with Interpersonal Functioning, this time with moderate link strength. The levels of the CV variable are described as good in most of the subjects in the sample. EI levels are described as adequate for both genders in almost all subscales, presenting a difference for the gender in Emotional Clarity, resulting little for the male and adequate for the female, thus corroborating the hypotheses raised. Regarding the link between the EI and QOL variables based on the sociodemographic variables, significant differences were obtained in groups, being those between 71 and 80 years old, who do not consume psychoactive substances underwritten by a professional, and those who have a recreational containment network who obtained higher scores. In conclusion the results suggest that, although associations were found, longitudinal studies are necessary to consider the different phases of quarantine
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