Coping Strategies in Adolescence: A Preliminary Study of Gender Differences
students, coexistence, coping strategies, stress, genderAbstract
Coping strategies vary depending on the individual when facing potential stressors. This study focuses on the variability of coping strategies implemented by individuals in potentially stressful situations, with a particular emphasis on how gender may influence the utilization of these strategies. An investigation was conducted to examine the levels of use of various coping strategies among adolescents and explore potential gender-based discrepancies. To achieve this goal, the Children's Coping Scale (CCS) was utilized to assess adolescent students in a specific region of Italy. Results indicated that the most adopted coping strategy was cognitive avoidance, followed by sharing the problem with others. Avoidance behaviors and keeping problems to oneself were also employed strategies, while active information seeking and guidance were the least used. Findings from this study emphasize the importance of considering which coping strategies are adaptive when developing programs aimed at fostering proactive behaviors during adolescence.
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