Sport, Performance and Health: An Approach from Psychology. Contribution of Spanish Authors in Web of Science
sports psychology, spanish authors, Web of Science, scientific journalsAbstract
The trajectory of Sports Psychology in Spain has not been easy, but the good work of professionals and researchers has meant that, in recent years, the psychology of sport is, in its own right, among the different specialties of psychological practice , And be recognized by the COP by creating a specific division of the same in 2012. A bibliometric study has been carried out to determine the current situation of Spanish authors in this area of study. A search was made in the Web of Science database using "psycholog *", "sport", "physic * activi *" and "Spain", as descriptors. The total number of contributions by Spanish authors has been 701, of which 605 are articles. There are 500 institutions represented by the signatories, highlighting the University of Murcia with 74. Regarding the journals in which the contributions of the Spanish authors have been published, the Revista de Psicología del Deporte / Journal Sport of Psychology stands out with 103 publications to a great extent Distance from the rest. If we look at the evolution of publications, from 1992 to 2008, the average number of publications per year was three; From 2008 to 2013, an average of 30; And since 2014, an average of more than 90 publications a year, confirming a very important development of the visibility of Spanish authors.