Design of a psycho-oncological intervention model for peri-diagnosis: A pilot study with adults

Diseño de un modelo de intervención psicooncológica parEstudio piloto con adultos


  • Mariano Demateis Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Darío Llull Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Claudia Castañeiras Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Psycho-oncology, peri-diagnostic, emotional activation, illness representation, psychological intervention, anxious preocupation, adjustment to cancer


The comprehensive care of cancer patients in the public health setting requires focused and protocolized interventions that are brief and efficient. This study shows the development of a 4-session psycho-oncological intervention model for peridiagnosis. Its structure and content aims to facilitate adaptation to the disease in the first stage of the oncological course by intervening in the emotional symptomatology and in the patient’s understanding of cancer. The intervention was applied to 15 patients, assessing its effect on emotional activation (EA), illness representation (IR), and adjustment to cancer (assessed by the mini-MAC). Statistically significant differences were found for EA, IR and the anxious worry scale of the mini-MAC. The results provide preliminary evidence for the clinical utility of the intervention in promoting psychological adjustment in the peri-diagnostic phase of the cancer course.


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How to Cite

Demateis, M., Llull, D., & Castañeiras, C. (2024). Design of a psycho-oncological intervention model for peri-diagnosis: A pilot study with adults: Diseño de un modelo de intervención psicooncológica parEstudio piloto con adultos. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology   , 29(1), 83–92.



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