Ramón Llull, Romance Language and First Humanists in the Passage from the Thirteenth to the Fourteenth Century


  • Vicent Martines Universidad de Alicante




Humanismo, Dante Alighieri, Ramón Llull, Conocimiento en abierto, Matfré Ermengaud, enciclopedismo, Nicola y Giovanni Pisano, Questione della Lingua


We analyze how, from the hand of moralizers and «theologians» related to Franciscanism at the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14 th Centuries, the first Humanism is formalized, as well as making a brief look at other artistic manifestations: Dante, according to Gozzoli’s frescoes, obviously also Llull, also in terms of the moralization of Matfré Ermengaud —who after a successful career as a doctor of laws, took the habit of Saint Francis and also his sister—, the Pisanos, with their Fontana Maggiore and their open knowledge to whoever knew look and see. We analyze how the Questione de la Lingua was already treated and solved in favor of the Romance languages by the troubadours in their works of ideas and knowledge from the beginning of 13 th Century, and by Llull. The troubadours are the explicit source of Alighieri in his De vulgari eloquentia and are essential elements of his conceptual development, key to the development of Humanism. In fact, Humanism is more about the «question of knowledge», of opening knowledge, of making it accessible, of being able, as Llull does in his Libre de Contemplació en Déu —LCD—, to make human and rationale the knowledge of God.


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How to Cite

Martines, V. (2022). Ramón Llull, Romance Language and First Humanists in the Passage from the Thirteenth to the Fourteenth Century. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, 27, 219–230. https://doi.org/10.5944/rllcgv.vol.27.2022.36178


