“Bidean Ikasia”: A Fictionalized Testimony on The Struggle of Women in Hondarribia to Participate in the «Alarde» Parade


  • Amaia Agirresarobe




Arantxa Urretabizkaia, genres, annals, Alarde, feminism


This work analyzes the form and content of Bidean Ikasia (Arantxa Urretabizkaia 2016) or, rather, its modes of articulation. The questions that guide the analysis could be expressed in the following way: How are form and content articulated in Bidean Ikasia? In other words: how does the form impact in the representation of the ight for parity in Alarde? The work país special attention to the following formal features: the use and combination of different literary genres; time; the narrative perspective and the changing role of the narrator voice. Thus, the study is an attempt to ind the guidelines, that is, the norms in the use of narrative mechanisms of a book that the author has deined as an «artefact».


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How to Cite

Agirresarobe, A. (2020). “Bidean Ikasia”: A Fictionalized Testimony on The Struggle of Women in Hondarribia to Participate in the «Alarde» Parade. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, 25, 119–148. https://doi.org/10.5944/rllcgv.vol.25.2020.28903