Linguistic Definitions of ‘Aragonese’ in Academic Dictionaries of Spanish


  • Marco Antonio Joven Romero University of Santo Tomas



The Royal Spanish Academy of Language (RAE) has regulated the Spanish language since 1713, and it has included terms related to linguistic phenomena in its dictionaries, including ‘Aragonese’, not without debate. In the 20th century, Aragonese experienced a resurgence in academic, social, and cultural interest, leading to the first definitions of ‘Aragonese’ in the RAE dictionaries appearing in the 1980s. This article analytically explores the historical evolution of ‘Aragonese’ definitions, addressing their content and internal logic. The analysis encompasses all definitions of ‘Aragonese’ in the Dictionaries of the Spanish Language (DLE), also addressing the related terms: ‘Navarro-Aragonese,’ ‘dialect,’ ‘romance,’ and ‘Altoaragonese’.


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Author Biography

Marco Antonio Joven Romero, University of Santo Tomas

Born in Zaragoza in 1989, I completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy (2017) and a Ph.D. in Philology (2021), as well as two master's degrees (2013, 2017), a diploma in Aragonese Philology (2013), a bachelor's degree in Humanities (2012), and I am currently finishing a degree in Mathematics. The National Prize for Excellence in Academic Performance (Government of Spain, 2016) stands out among my awards.

I have worked as a Spanish teacher (ELE) and in Hispanic dialectology and sociolinguistics at the University of Santo Tomás (Philippines, 2017-2020) and at the University of Hanoi (Vietnam, 2020-2023). Previously, I was a predoctoral researcher at UNED (2013-2017) and a Spanish language assistant in Toulouse (France, 2012-2013).

My main academic interests revolve around linguistic and cultural diversity, especially in the Hispanic and Lusophone fields.


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How to Cite

Joven Romero, M. A. (2023). Linguistic Definitions of ‘Aragonese’ in Academic Dictionaries of Spanish. Epos : Revista de filología, (39), 121–135.