Some Observations on Pasolini's Interview to Ezra Pound


  • Francisco Javier Deco Prados Universidad de Cádiz



Pier Paolo Pasolini; Ezra Pound; Vanni Ronsisvalle: Incontri. Ezra Pound; criticism and literary history


The starting point of this study is Pier Paolo Pasolini’s interview with Ezra Pound in the autumn of 1967 for a documentary by Vanni Ronsisvalle titled Incontri. Ezra Pound, broadcast by the RAI in June of 1968. To begin with, we present the exact context in which this documentary was produced. We then offer a description and analysis of the content of the interview, as well as an in-depth study of Pasolini’s critical observations on the American poet, which allows us to understand the relevance, significance, and evolution of the Italian poet’s reactions of attraction to, and rejection of Pound. A final appendix describing the documentary in its entirety is included, as a useful frame of reference for the interview studied.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Deco Prados, Universidad de Cádiz

As a lecturer an researcher, Francisco J. Deco Prados has studied various aspects of poetry through history, although his interest has focused on the analysis of contemporary poetic production. He has written on authors such as André Breton, Tristan Tzara, André du Bouchet, Mario Luzi or John Cage. Furthermore, he has also completed numerous poetic translations: Pierre de Ronsard, André Breton, Tristan Tzara, Mario Luzi, Eugenio Montale, John Cage, André du Bouchet, Jacques Dupin, among others. A creative writer himself, he has published eleven poetry collections. He has also written in collaboration with painters (Javier Olmedo, Juan Lacomba, Gerardo Delgado) and musicians (José María Sánchez Verdú, César Camarero, Ramón López, Alberto Carretero).


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How to Cite

Deco Prados, F. J. (2022). Some Observations on Pasolini’s Interview to Ezra Pound. Epos : Revista de filología, (38), 30–57.