princess from the borders of Germany


  • Ana María Lobeto Álvarez Consejería de Educación del Principado de Asturias


Principality of Asturias, Philip IV, Marian of Austria , Travels Princess


In the past, the territories and cities of the kingdom had to contribute to the coming of the Queens and Princesses and Infantas who had been engaged in marriage. A paradigmatic case is that of Phillip IV, who, being the widower of his first wife, the French Isabella of Bourbon, negotiated a second marriage in 1647 with his niece Marianne of Austria, whom he would marry in 1649. The King needed to fund the displacement of his niece -and the House that acompanied her- from “the confines of Germany”, and resorted to the Principality of Asturias. The Asturian deputies decided to grant an aid of a thousand ducats, which the governor considered scarce, taking into account the resources of this territory. Finally, an amount of 1,500 ducats was approved, to which a donation from the city of Oviedo was added to obtain the “cost aid”.


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Author Biography

Ana María Lobeto Álvarez, Consejería de Educación del Principado de Asturias

Doctora en Historia por la Universidad de Oviedo. Experta en Protocolo y Ceremonial, Heráldica y Vexilología (Universidad de Oviedo). Especialista en Protocolo y Ceremonial del Estado e Internacional (Universidad de Oviedo y Escuela Diplomática de Madrid). Profesora de Secundaria (Especialidad de Geografía e Historia) en el Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria "David Vázquez Martínez"de Pola de Laviana.



How to Cite

Lobeto Álvarez, A. M. (2022). princess from the borders of Germany. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 9(16), 119–128. Retrieved from