The normative treatment of the regulation of the state ceremonial in Iberoamerica.




protocolo oficial, ceremonial, precedencia


The protocol is a discipline in which there are currently different trends when it comes to clearly determining its scope, but despite their differences in what they all agree on, it is the direct link with official institutions. Historically, the protocol has emerged and developed in the environment of power and institutions and the main reference of the protocol are always the acts that are organized from the official level. Due to the very official nature of these acts, it has legal support to establish its different norms of action.

Majority in all States there are regulations that regulate different aspects of the development of official acts. In this paper we will compare this regulation in some Ibero-American countries. We will focus the analysis on the identification of regulations that affect the establishment of the precedence of the State authorities, the development of different ceremonies and the use of different official symbols. This identification will allow comparing the degree of detail in each of these regulations and establishing common and different aspects in each of the cases analyzed.


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How to Cite

Panizo Alonso, J. M. (2021). The normative treatment of the regulation of the state ceremonial in Iberoamerica. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 8(14), 139–153.