Corporate reputation and communication management


  • Sergio Antonio Velarde Ramos Universidad de Cádiz
  • Marta Pulido Polo



corporate reputation, health communication, public relations


Sanitas, Adeslas, Dkv


The assessment of the public on private health companies is a key element for the communication management of the institutions. Thus, organizations begin to manage their communication to transmit values related to the identity of the organization, based on good work planning and a comprehensive management of communication aimed at meeting the expectations of its stakeholders, generating important intangible values as the
organizational reputation. The reputational approach in institutional communication acquires special relevance in the health sector, especially sensitive from the perspective of information management, where it is betting on a more interactive communication, in accordance with the interests of society and tending to effectively satisfy the needs of society. needs (not only sanitary) demanded by their key audiences. In this sense, through a qualitative methodological design based on the combined use of secondary data sources and in-depth interviews with privileged observers (Corbetta, 2010), the objective of this paper is to analyze what factors determine the reputation of the health sector organizations.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Antonio Velarde Ramos, Universidad de Cádiz

Licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la universidad de Cádiz, doctorando en Comunicación por la Universidad de Cádiz, trabaja actualmente en el sector sanitario desde hace 20 años, siendo encargado de la administración y de la comunicación de SynsapsaProyec S.L., empresa de servicios sanitarios

Marta Pulido Polo

Doctora en Comunicación por la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesora del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad de Sevilla.


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How to Cite

Velarde Ramos, S. A., & Pulido Polo, M. (2018). Corporate reputation and communication management. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 5(9), 243–252.


