Forms of coping, defense mechanisms and emotional intelligence: comparación teórica y evaluación empírica de su frecuencia y funcionalidad


  • Darío Páez Facultad de Psicología. Universidad del País Vasco
  • C. Velasco Facultad de Psicología. Universidad del País Vasco
  • M. Campos Facultad de Psicología. Universidad del País Vasco



coping, mechanisms of defence, emotional intelligence


In this article we compare the main coping strategies with the defence mechanisms and we revise the research studies that focus on its effects and functionality. We also examine its association with indicators of Emotional Intelligence (EI), as well as with some personality traits. The reader will be given a view of the normal nature of many coping responses, correcting the idealistic bias in the conception of mature defence mechanisms of defence; in the same way most people in a normal population present clinical symptoms, defence mechanisms are widespread and predominant. In the last section, we present the items of the most relevant self-report scale that measures mechanisms of defence, the DSQ-40


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How to Cite

Páez, D., Velasco, C., & Campos, M. (2004). Forms of coping, defense mechanisms and emotional intelligence: comparación teórica y evaluación empírica de su frecuencia y funcionalidad. Revista de Psicoterapia, 15(60), 23–46.