Perspectives of the theory of personal constructs in sexual therapy: reconstruction of erection and elaboration of ejaculation.


  • David A. Winter Psychology Department, Napsbury Hospital, London Colney.



personal constructs, sexual therapy, erection, ejaculation, psychotherapy integration


Personal construct psychotherapy has rarely been applied to sexual disorders. In this paper a constructivist approach is contrasted with alternative methods of treating such problems on three related dimensions concerning whether it (1) is introspective or extraspective, (2) views the complaint as representing a personal construction of faulty mechanism, or (3) aims toward personal or normative goals. It will be illustrated by reports of the treatment of two men presenting with sexual complaints, and its technical eclecticism will be compared with integrative trends in sex therapy.


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How to Cite

Winter, D. A. (1999). Perspectives of the theory of personal constructs in sexual therapy: reconstruction of erection and elaboration of ejaculation. Revista de Psicoterapia, 10(38/39), 67–85.