Heal wounds: psychotherapy for victims of sexual abuse


  • Ugo Sabatello
  • Elena Perozzi
  • Renzo Di Cori




Sexual abuse, psychodynamic therapy, childhood, psychic trauma., sexual abuse, psychodynamic therapy, childhood, psychic trauma


Starting from a general description about opportunities and risks in facing the Child Abuse, the authors point out on the importance of the therapy in the case of abuse, especially sexual, to elaborate the traumatic experience which in the beginning cannot be acknowledged. Using the therapy the abused child can experiment –perhaps for the first time- a trusted and protective relationship. The therapist should use the theory to involve him/herself in such relationship instead of use the theory to keep him/her apart from the patient.


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How to Cite

Sabatello, U., Perozzi, E., & Di Cori, R. (2002). Heal wounds: psychotherapy for victims of sexual abuse. Revista de Psicoterapia, 13(52), 81–101. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v13i52.541



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