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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All graphics, illustration, and table may be displayed in the correct place, in the text instead of at the end.
  • The manuscript has not been published previously. It has not been submitted for consideration bay any other journal (or it has been provided an explanation in the comments to the editor).
  • The file of manuscript is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • All authors must include ORCID
  • The text gathers stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Author Guidelines section.
  • DOI or URLs are provided for references.
  • Check that is has followed the advice about “Guarantee an anonymous evaluation” that will be marked in the submissions part in this journal.
  • Two document will be uploaded in OJS. One document with authors data (names, surnames, mail, contact adres, affiliation and ORCID). Second document will containt the complete manuscript without any mention about author or authors.
  • Check that all authors have been added to the OJS in the "Contributors" section

Author Guidelines

The Revista de Psicoterapia publish original and inedita articles of a scientific nature that encompasses wide variety of relevant works of research, review, theory/methodologic contributions or a single case from clinic or psychotherapeutic field.

The publish process about articles is free. Journal of Psychotherapy does not charge any rate for publishing articles.

The manuscript will be sent in a single document, in “.doc” or “.docx” format through OJS (Open Journal System) application in the journal web. Will be able send manuscript in English or Spanish language.

The articles will be written double line spacing with 12 font size in Times New Roman. The maximum extension will be 7000 words (including tittle, abstract, references, tables, figures and appendix if there were). The number of the pages will be located in the upper right.

The authors must load two documents in OJS platform. One document which will contain the name and surname from all author and institution to which they belong. Further, the affiliation from authors must be collected, plus e-mail from each author, principal address from contact and ORCID from all authors. The second document will contain the complete manuscript, but the will not have any authors datas. The text of second document will be formulate with the next requires:

In the first page must be include the tittle (it is advised not to exceed more than 12 word), it must be centred and written with the initial capital letter of each important word.

The second page will be writing the tittle in English and Spanish language. Also, must to be added a subtitle (a short tittle that do not exceed from 50 characters, letters and spaces). In the same page will have abstract and keyword in English and Spanish language. The abstract (150-250 words) must reflect the principal objective and content of manuscript and it will be designed without bleeding and with left alignment. The keywords (4-6 words) will be write separated by commas.

The third page will be started with the research tittle and will continue with introduction of manuscript.

For the writing of the manuscript it will be follow the publication rules compiled in the sixth APA edition (2009) that resume in the next blocks



It must be fulfilled the APA rules in sample treatment, animal or human, or for describe the intervention details.

The authors must declare any interest conflict.



The textual or direct cites (those that include the same as write for the author) follow the next format: Surname, year and page number from where the cite was taken (e.g. Author, 0000, p. XX). If the cite is minor than 40 words, it will be inserting the text with quotation marks. If the cite is more than 40 words, becoming in a new block, with a separate line with indexed of 5 spaces without quotes. The indirect cites or not textual (paraphrasis) follow the next format: Surname, year (e.g. Author, 0000). When it be cited different works for reflect an idea, it be written between parentheses and follow alphabetical order separated by semicolons (e.g. Author, 0000; Author, 0000). When it be cited a work twice or more it be depending from author number of the research: (a)one or two author, it be cited all author always; (b) between three or five author, the fist time it be cited all author, and next will be cited the first author follow by et al.; (c) six or more, in all case, it be cited the fist author follow by et al.



Only must be included the works cited in the text. It be written in a new page after the discussion part, with double line space and hanging indent. The reference list must be ordered in alphabetical order according to the first surname from the fist author. The references from same author will be ordered for year of publication; further, if the reference match with the year of publication, must be differenced adding a letter (a, b, c...) after year. It is advised that more than 30% references correspond to works publish in the last five years. Each reference must adjust to Seventh APA Edition.



The tables and figures will be located inside manuscript, in the place that correspond. They must be displayed in gray scales (no colour). The figures must have a 240dpi or more, and a width of 126 and 190 mm.

The tables will be numbered by appearance. The title of the table will be located in part upper table. Below the number of the table, will be written the tittle in cursive. Also, the figures will be numbered by appearance. The number of figures will be written in cursive and will be located in part below figure with the title.

In any tables and figures will be used a same terminology and format. It must be used a font without serif (e.g. arial).

In the composition tables, only it be used horizontal separation lines, that upgrade the information comprehension.

The explicative notes will be placed at the end of each table. The general notes inform about abbreviations or any symbol included in the table; it be designed with the word Note (in cursive) follow by a dot. The specific notes will be written below general notes, if there were, and will be referenced to the information about a column, row, or cell. In last place, will be located the probabilistic notes that show p. valor through asterisk (*) or another symbol (e.g. *p≤ .05; **p≤ .001). The notes will be aligned to the left (without bleeding) and the specifics and probabilistic notes will be located in the same paragraph.



The decimals will be written with a dot (e.g. 3.45), two decimals be enough. Will not be used zero before a decimal when the number will be lower than one. That is applicable for correlations data, probabilistic, significance levels (e.g.  p≤ .001). In units of thousand, no dot or comma will be written (e.g. 2500 participants).  It will be written with word any number lower than 10, and any number at beginning of phrase, in the text.



The editorial of Journal of Psychotherapy will send an e-mail where will acknowledge receipt of originals. In a first evaluation of redaction team, will be assess the content of manuscript to the editorial line, and if the value is positive, the manuscript will be passes to the APA format assess. The author must be notified and, if necessary, changes will be required. Then, the manuscript will be sent to two extern and independent revisor, who will judge the convenience of its publication. It be applied a peer review and double-masked, that guarantee the author and reviewer anonymous. The author will receive comments from reviewers and the editor. In these comments, will be informed from the decision adopted about your manuscript in a maxim time line 40 days from the reception. In this information, will be included the razons for accept, review or refuse the manuscript, as well as the opinions issued by external experts.



For guarantee an anonymous peer evaluation, the authors, editors, and reviewers (that upload document as a part of review) must check that it will has follow the next phases linked with the text and properties of the file:

  • The identification data about authors must be deliver in apart document in OJS. In this document will have the article tittle, the name from each author with affiliation data, ORCID, and e-mail. Also, it will be marked the main contact for carry out communication through e-mail, and her or his postal address.
  • The text of the article will be delivered in other document, where will not appear the authors names.
  • In Microsoft Office documents, also will be changed the authors identification from file properties (see in Word file option), doing click in the next option: File-save as-tools-security-remove personal information from archive properties to save-save.
  • In PDF documents, also have to remove the authors name from file properties. This information has located in option file in main menu of Adobe Acrobat.



The article sending with the acceptation for its publication implies the transfer of rights by the authors for Journal of Psychotherapy. However, Journal of Psychotherapy authorize to the author or authors to the diffusion about its published articles.

The opinion and content about the published articles in Journal of Psychotherapy are exclusive responsibility from the author, and not compromise the opinion and scientific political from the Journal.

Monographic Articles

A dicha sección se envían los artículos para los monográficos que el Consejo de Redacción de la Revista haya propuesto editar en los próximos números.

Open Access Articles

A dicha sección los autores pueden enviar artículos libres (fuera de monográfico) sobre la temática adminitda por la Revista de Psicoterapia. Estos artículos serán publicados en abierto "open access".

Clinical Case

A dicha sección se envían artículos que versan sobre el análisis de algún caso clínico.

COVID-19 and psychotherapy

Journal section about COVID-19 and psychotherapy

Book Reviews

En esta sección se admiten recensiones de libros de actualidad, relevantes para en psicoterapia, psicología clínica y de la salud

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mails introduced in this Journal will be used exclusive for journal purpose and will not be provide to third parties.