Organizar: suspensión de la moralidad y reciprocidad negativa
Taking the concept of reciprocity as its starting point of discussion,the author proposes the analysis of negative reciprocity as a necessary and substanti ve aspect of the general concept of reciprocity. Reciprocity is based on a shared mora lity in its positive forms and on the break, reverse or suspension of the moral order in its negative forms. The discussion is based on the ethnographic account of the so cial relations present among inmates in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The Auschwitz extreme case provides on the one hand, a whole range of nuances and complex articulations regarding different orders of morality, transftr of resources and power hierarchies. On the other, it shows the usefolness of a concept of reciprocity that incorporates the negative side of reciprocal relations.Downloads
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How to Cite
Moreno Feliú, P. (2002). Organizar: suspensión de la moralidad y reciprocidad negativa. ENDOXA, 1(15), 97–128.
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