Filthy world. The world's nihility and his salvation from Gracian and Nietzsche




Gracián, Nietzsche, nature, culture, nihilism


In the traditional modernity the reality is understood from a mathesis universalis that explains it and show it with fixed and clear contours. All the science building is constructed on that conception, included the human world’s which will be understood from the same universals laws that regulate the nature. According to Nietzsche, for other hand, the world only finds a ground in the configurations of forces in becoming, which are not subject to any prior law. In the same way, many experts have support that Gracian hold a nihilist world’s vision from which the human world have not ground in itself but in out of it, on the run.

We will analyze the Gracián’s and Nietzsche’s reflections according to which the world appear from his «filth» and groundless. This reflections are against the modern point of view that submit the world under fixed and universals laws. However, we want to show how the  Nietzsche’s and Gracian’s reflections does not drive to the nihilism, but to human’s responsibility for make some worth living in a world groundless.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Manzano, F. (2024). Filthy world. The world’s nihility and his salvation from Gracian and Nietzsche. ENDOXA, (53).



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