Heideggerian Elements in the Thinking of García Bacca
Contemporary thought, rationality, vitalism, existentialismAbstract
García Bacca began an intellectual cycle in 1936 with a new philosophical project, which points the direction of the rest of his work. He adds to Kant’s Copernican turn the “transcendental function of feelings” as an interpretation of understanding. I propose, in the first place, to understand these theses as the hard core of the hermeneutical place from which García Bacca dialogues with Heidegger; and I understand this dialogue as a permanent element in his work until 1985, not as a mere interpretation of Heidegger’s theory but as an example of his own practice of philosophy. Secondly,
this article analyzes the theoretical strategy of García Bacca, who proposes a new anthropologically based ontology, and connects the actuality in philosophy with
the changes in the foundation of science and the deep historical modifications. A special place takes the analysis of dismantling, understood as a constructionist and critical way of proceeding philosophy, that García Bacca opposes to the Heideggerian
program of metaphysical destruction.
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