The Mythical-Historical Subject as a Philosophical Paradigm in Isocrates


  • Tomás Morales Caturla


Paradigm, Historical subjects, Philosophy of life, Theseus


The Isocratic system of thought is based on the conception of a philosophy of life that despises the ontological and religious world; thus, the answer to the problems of the pólis and social coexistence is provided by the use of paradigmatic figures that arise from a reading of history itself in accordance not only with the needs of the moment but with the intention of having a firm ethical and political response. These figures are not a mere rhetorical device but rather an element that becomes a continuum that will appear throughout his work and will prevent him from falling into a radical relativism.


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Author Biography

Tomás Morales Caturla


Datos académicos



Diplomado en Profesorado EGB-Ciencias Sociales (Univ. Alicante 1982), Licenciado en Historia (UNED-España 1994), Licenciado en Filosofía (UNED-España 2007), Doctor en Filosofía (UNED-España 2015).






«El Timeo-Critias, una geografía imaginaria entre la escatología y la historia». Revista de Filosofía, Univ. Complutense, Vol. 38, Núm. 2 (2013), pp. 149-168. Disponible en:


El Critias de Platón: un mundo mítico para una irrealizable épica del Bien. Tesis doctoral, UNED 2015. Disponible en:


«Bíos como fundamento de la filosofía en Isócrates». Factótum Revista de Filosofía 19, 2018, pp. 96-108. Disponible en:


«La trilogía chipriota de Isócrates: diplomacia, monarquía y filosofía política» HYBRIS. Revista de filosofía, Vol. 10, N° 2, Noviembre 2019, pp. 13-44. Disponible en:




Filiación académica:


Doctor en Filosofía UNED-España

(sin experiencia docente)


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How to Cite

Morales Caturla, T. (2023). The Mythical-Historical Subject as a Philosophical Paradigm in Isocrates. ENDOXA, (52). Retrieved from



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