Luddism and Neo-luddism: A Review




luddismo, historia, crítica, tecnología.


proyecto de investigación La mirada filosófica como mirada médica PGC2018-094253-B-I00, dirigido por Josep Esquirol Calaf.


This paper tries to clarify the connections between old and new or contemporary Luddism. Time has carried a diversification of the notion of Luddism, representing different agendas and attitudes. Therefore, there is useful to describe somehow what differences they have. As a conclusion there is the possibility to defend an enlighted or reflective Luddism, able to make a rational criticism on the technological development and on the notions of innovation and progress. For that, some classical authors such as Anders, Illich, Mumford and Winner, among others, provide a useful theoretical approach.


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Author Biography

Andoni Alonso, Universidad Complutense

Catedrático Filosofía Moral, Universidad Complutense


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How to Cite

Alonso, A. (2022). Luddism and Neo-luddism: A Review. ENDOXA, (50).



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