José Luis L. Aranguren: a critique of democracy and the left


  • Mikel Aramburu Zudaire IES "Plaza de la Cruz" (Pamplona-Iruña, Navarra)



Pensamiento actual


This article proceeds in three stages. First, I present the critical vision of the Spanish philosopher José Luis L. Aranguren (1909-96) on the type of democracy established in Spain and in the West and his proposal for a “democracy like a morality”. Secondly, I discuss the role that a true political left should play, according to Aranguren,
in a democracy and, starting out from the key concept of heterodoxy – in this case
conceived as deidentification –, I offer some reflections on the nature of the left and the
political claims of identity. Finally, by way of conclusion, I point to a possible dialogue
between Arangurian thinking and current debates on democracy and the politics of


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Author Biography

Mikel Aramburu Zudaire, IES "Plaza de la Cruz" (Pamplona-Iruña, Navarra)

Doctor en Historia, master en Filosofía y licenciado en Ciencias Religiosas. Profesor titular de Filosofía en el IES "Plaza de la Cruz" de Pamplona-Iruña (Navarra)


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How to Cite

Aramburu Zudaire, M. (2021). José Luis L. Aranguren: a critique of democracy and the left. ENDOXA, (48), 193–211.



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