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The Tragic Humus of the "School of Madrid"

Ortega and Its Effects on the Poetic Reason in Zambrano and the "Gigantomaquia" of History


  • Héctor Arévalo Benito Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador.



Tragic ‘humus’, Fiction, Life, Poetic Reason, Gigantomachy, Ortega, Zambrano, Gaos, Hayden White


Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)


The present work tries to briefly analyze the concept of tragic “humus” that Ortega was able to transmit – consciously or not – to his disciples, during the well-known School of Madrid. For this, and secondly, we maintain that this Orteguian
“humus” can be revealed from the ideas of Hayden White. Thirdly, we propose how these Orteguian ideas were deployed in María Zambrano and José Gaos, and we maintain that they did so from their conceptions of poetic reason and a certain gigantomachy of
history – respectively –, which not only faithfully reflected those ideas but also took a step beyond the Orteguian proposal. Finally, we will try to show what are the Zambranian and Gaosian characteristics of this tragic conception of philosophy, which will go far beyond traditionalist European rationalism.


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Author Biography

Héctor Arévalo Benito, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador.

Sección Departamental de Filosofía y Teología.
Facultad de Sociohumanística.

Investigador Principal de Programa de Investigación del Departamento (CCEDU1112, 2013-2017)


GAOS, José (1990). Obras Completas, Tomo VI. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

ORTEGA Y GASSET, José (2017). Obras Completas, Tomo I. Madrid: Taurus, 2017.

— (2017). Obras Completas, Tomo IV. Madrid: Taurus, 2017.

REYES CELEDÓN, Esteban (2015). “Las múltiples ideas del teatro de Ortega y Gasset”. Diálogos transatlánticos. Memorias Congreso Internacional Literatura y Cultural españolas contemporáneas. Volumen II. Teatro: dramaturgia, representación y espectáculo. Ed. Natalia Corbellini, La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2014, pp.1-5. Web:

ZAMBRANO, María (2000). Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española. Madrid: Endymión, 1996.

— (2000). Hacia un saber sobre el alma. Madrid: Alianza, 2000.

WHITE, Hayden (1992). Metahistoria. La imaginación histórica en la Europa del siglo XIX. México: Fondo Cultural Económico, 1992.




How to Cite

Arévalo Benito, H. (2022). The Tragic Humus of the "School of Madrid": Ortega and Its Effects on the Poetic Reason in Zambrano and the "Gigantomaquia" of History. ENDOXA, (49).



El legado filosófico del exilio español de 1939