The genealogy of inmanent materialism in Antonio Negri’s thought


  • Antonio Gómez Villar Universitat de Barcelona
  • Raimundo Viejo Viñas Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Filosofía Contemporánea


This article traces, genealogically, the materialism of the immanence that
characterises the thinking of Antonio Negri. Although connected to the evolution of
the five Books on Working Class Autonomy, the origins of this philosophical operation
can be situated in the late 1970s when Negri wrote The Savage Anomaly, giving rise to
a ‘return to Spinoza’. His goal was to rediscover an ontological, materialist handle; a
philosophical operation that would mark his subsequent work. While Negri’s early legal
training had been accompanied by a transcendental subjectivity and a Hegelian and
Marxist dialectic, from the late 1970s his thinking turned to a constituent materialism
of the multitude marked by the presence of Machiavelli, Spinoza and Marx.


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How to Cite

Gómez Villar, A., & Viejo Viñas, R. (2021). The genealogy of inmanent materialism in Antonio Negri’s thought. ENDOXA, (48), 213–232.



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