Shadows of Hegelian schöne Seele in Epipsychidion




Spirit, self-consciousness, soul, becoming.


Spirit is entirely individual and active, not an abstraction of the human
nature, and it is absolutely alive, a consciousness whose existence consists of having itself as an object. Spirit, Hegel observes, devises a certain essential representation of itself, emerging, firstly, as a soul, latent ideality or immateriality of matter, diffusive psychic life in progress from the state of dark consciousness which reveals sensation to the unilateral empire of exacerbated feelings of itself, stigmas of disorder in the unfolding of Spirit,
misfit in a systematically organized world and able to let go of all the finite content. The prophetic view of art as a sensitive modality of expression of the non-spiritual, since being imaginarily assumed by the absolute Spirit, underlies in Shelley’s Epipsychidion: the real experience of the Utopian starts to blur the dialectical tension between inner and outer, obstructive to the complete display of the spirit’s depth which includes both boundaries.


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Author Biography

Vicente Llamas Roig, Pontificia Universidad Antonianum (Murcia)

Profesor-doctor asociado departamento Filosofía y Sociedad

Responsable de área Metafísica y Filosofía Medieval

Pontificia Universidad Antoninaum (Murcia)


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How to Cite

Llamas Roig, V. (2020). Shadows of Hegelian schöne Seele in Epipsychidion. ENDOXA, (45), 77–98.



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