About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The University Philosophy Journal ÉNDOXA is published by the Faculty of Philosophy at the National Distance Education University (UNED). It was founded in 1993 and is published twice yearly. The journal includes articles, discussions, conferences, announcements of publications and reviews from collaborators from the community of professors and graduates in all the regions where the UNED is present. Because the UNED reaches a large part of the Latin American world and a large part of Europe, collaborations in the different languages that are widely disseminated in the western world (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, German, and Italian) are accepted.

The name of the journal is intended to indicate two issues. The first is that it is a space for “rational opinions“ and that its pages are, therefore, open to the different and varied philosophical opinions that inhabit the world, an assumption that also responds to the rational format of the philosophical proposals. In this sense, the journal consists of a long compendium of the variety of philosophical visions that coexist in broad regions of the planet. The second issue is that all the ideas and opinions published belong to their respective authors, with ÉNDOXA functioning only as a forum. Nonetheless, in this function, ÉNDOXA is pleased to open its pages to the most recent and/or youngest philosophers.

Dissemination: In addition to reaching the Spanish universities, ÉNDOXA reaches most of the Latin American university spaces, as well as several university and research centers in Europe and in the USA.

The journal ÉNDOXA implements a regular exchange service with many other Spanish and foreign university publications.



Peer Review Process

Endoxa is a peer-reviewed byannual journal and it publishes papers on all areas of Philosophy, critical thinking, and Anthropology.

The papers must be original and high-quality in order to be published. The articles and texts must be original and cannot have been published elsewhere or have been sent to other journals. Manuscripts should contain a short abstract, key words and author's address including the e-mail adress.

The submitted paper will be reviewed by two specialists in the field, which will remain unknown to the author. The reviewing process lasts no more than 4 months. By the end of the reviewing process the author will receive one of the following answers: the paper will be published without any other changes, the paper will be published after some changes will be made, the paper will be re-analyzed after major changes have been made, the paper is denied publication. These decisions will be taken only after the references of the two reviewers reach similar conclusions. If one reference is positive and the other one negative the paper will be sent to be reviewed by a third reviewer whose decision on publication will be decisive. The final decision regarding publication will be taken by the Editorial Board. If a paper has been accepted to be published, it is supposed to be typed by the authors of the paper according to the specific format of the journal. This format must be wholly respected.

Moreover, the authors are supposed to send the editor-in-chief a letter in which they should make it clear that the paper has not been plagiarized or published in any other journal and through which they grant the journal their copyright. The article will not be published unless such a letter is sent.


Publication Frequency

Endoxa is published biannually.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides free, unrestricted access to the contents immediately after publication, with the intention of making the research available to the public for free, encouraging increased exchange of global knowledge.