Mexican Validation of the Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale, Short Form (ISLES-SF)




bereavement, loss, salience of death, meaning, Covid-19 pandemic


Adapting by making meaning of adverse life situations such as unavoidable losses and other stressful events throughout life is crucial for people to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Holland et al. (2010, 2014) created and validated two versions -long and short- of a scale to assess the degree of adaptation of an individual to a loss or a stressful event. To adapt and validate the Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale–Short Form (ISLES-SF) to Mexican Spanish, an instrumental study was carried out. In the exploratory factorial analysis, the sample consisted of 227 participants (M=19.51, SD=1.67) and in the confirmatory factorial analysis, 550 participated (M=19.86, SD=3.38). Each factorial analysis corroborated the bifactorial structure, with a good fit of the model, satisfactory internal reliability, and good construct and instrumental validity, similar to the original scale validations.


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Author Biography

Angélica Quiroga-Garza, Universidad de Monterrey

Profesora Investigadora, Universidad de Monterrey, SNI Nivel 1


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How to Cite

Quiroga-Garza, A., Ambríz-Román, B., Pozas-Treviño, D., González-Villarreal, B., Torres-Treviño, V., Flores-Hinojosa, D. S., & Gómez-Garza, A. (2022). Mexican Validation of the Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale, Short Form (ISLES-SF). Acción Psicológica, 19(1), 55–70.



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