Spanish Adaptation of the Anxiety Scale for Children with ASD (ASC ASD-P)




Anxiety scale, psychometric properties, Autism Spectrum Disorders


The objective of this study was the adaptation to Spanish of the ASC ASD-P (Anxiety Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, parental version), the only instrument specifically designed to assess anxiety in this population. A non-probabilistic, convenience sample (N = 87) was used, consisting of children and adolescents with ASD between 6 and 18 years. Direct and reverse translation was performed. The factorial structure of the scale and its correspondence with the dimensions of the original version were evaluated. The construct validity was calculated with the ERC, SSP and IUS scales. Internal consistency analysis was performed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The exploratory factor analysis yielded a solution of 4 factors, replicative of the structure of the original scale. As convergent validity measures, statistically significant correlations were found between the different scales with a statistical significance of p <.01 in all of them. The internal consistency was .925 for the full scale. The data obtained show that the Spanish version of the ASC ASD scale replicates the factor structure of the original scale and constitutes a valid instrument for the evaluation of anxiety in population with ASD.


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How to Cite

Beneytez-Barroso, C., Del Pozo-Armenti, A., García-Villamisar, D., & Rodgers, J. (2020). Spanish Adaptation of the Anxiety Scale for Children with ASD (ASC ASD-P). Acción Psicológica, 17(2), 71–82.



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