About the Journal

Focus and Scope

This international journal is the channel of scientific diffusion of the psychological research. We wish that Accion Psicologica will be a meeting point between the theoretical and applied research. Therefore we accept papers containing studies on relevant aspects of behavior, with empirical data and justified and analyzed ideas, which may represent a real contribution to the psychological knowledge.

Peer Review Process

Evaluation process: Acción Psicológica will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts received, which will be reviewed first by the associate editor to verify their compliance with the publishing line of the journal. Overcome this phase, the manuscript will be sent to two external and independent reviewers, who will judge the convenience of his publication. The method of peer review employee is of double blind, which guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers. Authors will receive feedback from reviewers and the editor / director (partner), which will inform the decision on their manuscript (acceptance, rejection, or invitation to revise and resubmit) within 60 days from receipt. The Editor of Acción Psicológica is ultimately responsible for the (non) publication of articles received in the journal.

Acción Psicológica follows the Committee on Publication Ethics -COPE- guidelines.

Acción Psicológica verifies the possible existence of plagiarism through the following free programs:                                                           

The plagiarism check will be performed at the beginning of the review process. In the event that some form of plagiarism is detected, the editor will ask the authors for the appropriate explanations, which if not satisfactory will result in the rejection of the submission.

Publication Frequency

Accion Psicologica is published biannually (June and December).

Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

The journal Accion Psicologica does not have either article submission charges or  article processing charges (APCs).

Accion Psicologica is a journal published in open access, ie, provides free access to its content. Thus, we provide access to scientific research to all interested in psychological research regardless of their economic, social or political circunstances.

Accion Psicologica adheres to the Open Access policy on its golden route. All the articles are under the Creative Commons license

Acción Psicológica uses OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting). The aim is the dissemination of the journal's contents on the Internet. (OAI-PHM protocol). We uses the Dublin Core format to describe our contents.

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics
The journal "Acción Psicológica" is inspired by the ethical code of COPE.

1. Commitment of the Editor and his Editorial Team

On the decision to publish an article

The Editor of Acción Psicológica is ultimately responsible for the (non) publication of articles received in the journal. This decision will be based exclusively on scientific criteria and the expert opinion of external reviewers.

All members of the Editorial Team undertake not to use, without the express authorization of the author(s), the information generated by the originals sent to the journal and not to reveal information about them to people outside the editorial process.

Acción Psicológica is responsible for verifying possible plagiarism; to do so, it uses the following free programs:

Dupli Checker
Tin Eye (for images)

On the disclosure of content and its confidentiality

The Editor of Acción Psicológica undertakes not to use the contents of articles submitted for publication in his research without the written consent of the authors.

Likewise, the publisher and its editorial team undertake not to divulge the information relating to the articles received to other agents than those involved in the editorial process (i.e. authors, reviewers and editorial team) in such a way that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the work.

 With respect to the time limits for reviews and publication

The editorial team is ultimately responsible for adherence to the time limits for reviews and publication of accepted papers, so as to ensure rapid dissemination of scientific findings.

Acción Psicológica undertakes, within a maximum period of 30 days, to inform the authors if the article is rejected for publication or if the peer review process is initiated. In the latter case, authors will receive comments from reviewers and the editor/director (associate), who will inform you of the decision taken on your manuscript (acceptance, rejection, or invitation to review and resubmit the manuscript) within a maximum of 150 days of receipt. Likewise, Acción Psicológica will publish the articles as soon as possible, avoiding waiting lists.

2. Commitments of the reviewers

Peer review should be conducted objectively, without bias, contributing effectively to the editorial decision. In addition, reviewers undertake to maintain confidentiality during the review process, to declare potential conflicts of interest, and to respect the response times set by the journal.

3. Authors' commitment (originality, plagiarism and conflict of interest)

Authors agree to submit original articles free of plagiarism. In addition, authors must state whether they have received external funding and indicate any conflicts of interest that may occur.

Similarly, papers submitted by authors must conform to the standards published on the journal's website.

The opinions and contents of the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not compromise the scientific opinion and policy of the journal. They will also be responsible for providing copies of raw data, scores, and, in general, relevant experimental material to interested readers.

Finally, when an author identifies a material error in an article published in the journal, he or she should inform the editors of the journal and provide the information necessary to make the necessary corrections.


Applied Psychology Service

Sources of Support

C/ Juan del Rosal nº 10 28040 Madrid

Journal History

This journal is the channel of scientific diffusion of the psychological research. We wish that Acción Psicológica will be a meeting point between the theoretical and applied research. Threfore accepts papers containing studies on relevant aspects of behavior, with empirical data and justified and analyzed ideas, which may represent a real contribution to the psychological knowledge.