Reflections at the end of the ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014’: environmental references in the Degree of UNED and contribution of Geography to EDS


  • M.ª del Pilar Borderías Uribeondo Departamento de Geografía, UNED



education for sustainable development, sustainability, higher education, didactics of Geography


The United Nations established the decade of 2005–2014 to promote the education for a sustainable future. The importance of this matter, was also recognized by the Worldwide Conference of UNESCO, which took place on Aichi-Nagoya on November 2014. In the Spanish University educational program several efforts have been done to promote the educational future. For example, The Conference of Rectors from the Spanish Universities (also known as CRUE in Spanish) approved some guidelines for the sustainable curriculum in 2005. Also, The Commission for the International Education in Geography compromised with the education for a sustainable future by The Declaration of Lucerna. In this article we aim to establish the impact of the education for a sustainable future in the programs designed for undergraduate, and graduate degrees in the UNED. We also aim to make an effort to consider the relationships between geography, education in geography and sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Borderías Uribeondo, M. del P. (2015). Reflections at the end of the ‘United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014’: environmental references in the Degree of UNED and contribution of Geography to EDS. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (6-7), 19–31.


