The The Role of Physical and Human Geography in the Development of the Goths through the Works of Jordanes
Late Antiquity; Early Middle Ages; Ostrogoths; Jordanes; Getica; Romana; Geography; UrbanismAbstract
This article focusses on the role of geographic descriptions in Jordanes’ Getica in relation to the cultural development of the Gothic people. To this end, it deals with elements that belong to the field of physical geography, like the descriptions of mountains and rivers, as well as human geography, paying special attention to the urban phenomenon and its symbolic meaning. We may conclude that Jordanes used geography as a way to express the escape from savagery and the entry of the Goths into high culture by overcoming a life typical of animals to one of admiration of cities. Furthermore, he uses geography as a means to support the credibility of his narration as a whole.
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